Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Big Bag, Big Child

Have you seen a movie about French cooking, Julie & Julia?
A movie about two women who have almost the same name and they both love cooking.
I think this would be my favorite movie after Serendipity, you know.. John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.. New York love life, and as a person who had her little girl life, ofcourse there was a romance-dream life which is represented by a movie when I was a naive teenage girl.

Talking about Julie and Julia, when the first time I saw this movie, I just found a general-cooking-inventor movie.
The second time I saw this movie, I was falling in love with the pictures.. the fashion.. the soundtrack.. the scenes and the situation on viewed.
The third time I saw Julie and Julia after my dying-office-hour, I caught by a trigger of these two J(s) who have spirit for fighting their dream, cooking.
And for many times I've  watched this movie, I've made a word which succeed to boost my tick tock time, it is called as support.
If you pay your attention when watching this movie, it was almost 87% of the dialogue had been dominating by the women. It could be when Julia had a discussion with her not-as-tall-as-her husband, but always smiling when Julia just gave him many sighs, or could be a Julie's conversation which was shortly contended with her complaints all day long, home-train station-cubicle-client on her line life. But it was Erick -her husband- who had always been there, sticked and stone with his love although that was no sex while Julie was doing her project. Ups.

No, no.. I can not cook. You can't categorized me into an amatir chef with only if I had watched a movie about cooking. I'm not a person who could magically create a fantastic taste with only un-intentionally spices. I have a How To Cook - book for beginner in my ten centimeters away from my stove, hahaha.. So lucky you, girls who have your natural talent to learn about cooking.
I've challenged myself to did a psychological test a long long time ago. On that test I was concluded as a person who has less focus attention when doing something. So I think that's why I still have no competency while doing anything related to kitchen stuff, maybe it caused by it would need a lot of attention. Hm, but for someone out there named Isle, oh yeah sweetie, I'll learn hard to make some breakfast for you :)

my status for cooking competencies will be the same like my pic: blurry... :p

Back into Julie and Julia. After watching this movie so many times, I've asked myself, what is my passion? What is my passion means what is my true passion.When I was in a senior high school, it was my dream to have a twelve centimeters stilleto on my feet, wearing a gorgeous woman suit and great hair-do everyday. But those are only my out look. If I asked deeply to my brain, what would I do with that outfit? Gee, I still have no answer until now.So, what stuff that could make me interest into? Okey, i have to make some list:
(a) traveling (b) writing (c) family gathering (d) eating (e) creating art -thing (f) interior desigining (g) running (h)swimming (i) bicycling (j) shoes, movies, cats, Donald Duck.

Huh. The hardest thing in this world would be being honest to ourself. It's like some of this trash questions: do I really want this for my own life..? what should I do..? Although we have currently have some answer for that typical question. We just have to choose.
So, wow, all my interests seems like very simple activities huh? Oh my oh my..
I know it sounds a little weirdo, umh, but after I thought about this, I've made a decision: I took a resignation from my not yet 1 month employment in my new office. But ow wait, it's not only about missing some adventures or something which would be sound like that, but there's an important thing I have to handle for this year. And then, what do I do? I'm starting to find out and re-organize my life again. Will I get worried if I have no work to do, un-employed or something? Oh totally yes, ofcourse I would. Whatever my fuck ideology word is, I still need money for feeding my life, moreover I still want to fulfill my interests which is listed above, right? :p hahaha, no.. no.. you know, one day my mom had told me like this, "Mba, if you're getting success someday, make it all happen for helping many unlucky people out there, it would bring you a lot of happiness."
Then came a day in my life, delivering me about something. It was a conversation in a woman rest room in a building which is fully charged by many people's dreams in Jakarta. Yes, it was a toilet chit chat.
I usually leave my home at 5.30 am every Monday to Friday. Driving my car for at least one hour listening the jakarta's traffic, and if I didn't have many time for sticking make up on my face, I would do that after I've arrived in my office. At that time, I was giving a time to breath for my face cream, for being correctly pasted on my face before I put its friend named as compact powder. Then came a group of women, three ladies with their make-up kit and starting doing the same activity with me: bumblebee-ing our own face. The most interesting topic from their conversation was how bored they were if they have no office-hour life in their life. Their activities would be just cooking, serving their husband, feeding and playing with child, making friends with neighbours and their maids. They were arguing at each other that although they just have a little time for their family, they hope they could give some quality times when weekend and facilitated by all the stuffs they owned.
And I just felt get punked already, then I try to represented my life as a housewife. There might be a working woman conversation in my life with other housewives in our arisan* schedule.
We might be discuss them as unsuitable community who succesfully ignoring their family for their carrier, and it might be an envious feel and a jealous glance while those business ladies just walking around in front of my eyes with their gorgeous outlook and deadly fashionable style. But are those just enough?

My dad, always note his children with this: everytime you feel unsure with your life, the first thing to do is looking everyone around you who have a not-as-good-as-yours in their life.

How about the OfficeGirl officers, who just come to a place for cleaning dishes, mopping floor, toilet checking, and doing another activities equals in repeatedly in a day. How about a 35 years old man out there who always raise his hands to any people while riding his old motorcycle, wishing today would be many passengers behind his back. And how about a 150 centimeters wet young boy who standing inside the rain with his umbrella, not stopping offering his rain-service for those tie-shirt people. And another hows.
I'm totally sure they don't want to live a life like that.

I'm deeply wrong. This is not always about want it or not want it. Not always about take it or leave it. Also not always talking about need it or not need it. There are many reasons out there. The truth is woman just looking for secure feeling in their life, and this is the beginning for everything in woman's life.
Family, environment, experiences, passion.. are another ingredient as a food in a bowl. And how a woman may viewed as a succesfull person is how she could bring a balance in her two side world: reality and dream.

Finally, I'm wishing for many young ladies out there who have age younger than me and accidentally read this, I really really wish you're starting to find what your future life would be in your dream, therefore you may not wasting your time like I do. Please find something to learn in each and everyday, it could be from your friends, your own life, books, movies, your everyday newspaper man or a stewardess you've met in a plane on your vacation trip.

As my mom has told me, big bag - big child.
And when you feel satisfied with your own life in the future, you may say.. Bon Appetite :)

Julia with her husband

Julie and hubby

*the collection of money or items that have the same value among several people periodically and each time one of those people will get the money or items by lot until all of them have received their turns.


sukmawati pawidya said...

Hei rum..what's up?
Just wanna say i enjoy your blog..
I think you have talent in writing. maybe you should consider to have a life as a writer dear..

anw, surprise you took the step to resign but i wish you can find what you want and what ur dream..

Like people always said.. better late then never.. :)



♥Tissa♥ said...

aruuummm,,bagus banget tulisan nyaaa,,hehe,,gw ga bisa banget nulis panjang2 dlm bahasa inggris,,kosakata terbatas,,wkwkwk,,kamu di jkt kah,rum? kapan2 ktmuan yuks sm asty juga,,