Sunday, June 21, 2009


I hate a farewell. Anything about farewell, you named it, i hate it! Why I have to faced too many farewells in this year, God.. First, my favorite man (I have to let him go, coz i knew we can't make it :'( then i have to make a great long distance conversation with all my bestfriends coz i have to moved to Jakarta.. following all of those statements, i had to make a bank of yearning for my dearly family and my cutey cat Molly in Jogja. I hate being alone.. I hate it. I hate it.. I hate it a lot.

Last night I was back for attending a farewell again. It was for my manager in my office, Pak Azzam. Me and my officemate made some games in a bowling court, he came late, therefore we just had a few minutes for having chitchat before he left us to Malaysia this week..

Is it ok if i tell you that I feel hurt to lost him.. I hate it! It seems to create a question in my mind, why I can't have a best person in my life a little longer? Why...

In early morning, he texted me and said that I have to take care in myself.. Be sincere and keep my feet on the ground, he asked me to mail him once in a while.. I will, Pak.. You tought me a lot.. :'(

I will always keep your advice in my mind..

(me, mba Anggi, Elsa, mba Shanty, Pak Azam, mba Atik, mbaTina, Jibie, Adit)

1 comment:

mr-uban said...

wah lg rindu yach ampe nulis2 dipasir,
rindukan aq juga yach , haha :)